Terry Brosnahan, Country-Wide Editor

Terry was appointed editor of Country-Wide South in October 2000. He became editor of the merged Country-Wide South and North issues in late 2010. When Country-Wide became a subscription-only magazine in 2011, he was appointed editor.
Terry has a long association with farming. He grew up on a mixed-cropping farm in South Canterbury and graduated from Lincoln College in 1983 with a Bachelor of Agricultural Commerce. For several years he leased a South Canterbury farm. It was long enough for him to realise how hard farming is especially when your own money is invested.
Terry considers himself fortunate to still be connected with farming and work with a talented bunch of people in the NZ Farm Life Media team. The writers are involved with farming and understand it well. This allows them to get the real oil and for Terry to maintain Country-Wide as a trusted, top farm management magazine for pastoral and arable farmers.
After more than 30 years in ag journalism, Terry has learned from top farming businesses that success comes from continuous improvement, an ethos he has adopted with Country-Wide. Terry lives in Dunedin with his wife Eleanor and two children.

2021 – The Rongo Award. Over seven issues Country-Wide investigated the facts of regenerative agriculture, diving deep into the science, to get the reader as close as possible to the truth.

2020 – Country-Wide – Best Magazine Cover Non-Newsstand

2019 – Country-Wide – The Rongo Award, for its series on the impact on communities and farms of the surge in tree planting